Brandon Reyes

Brandon Reyes

Research Software Engineer

Applied Physics Lab

University of Washington

I truly believe that mathematics is a universal language that can solve some of the world’s most difficult problems! I also recognize that to accomplish these tasks, it is absolutely necessary to employ mathematical techniques in conjunction with software development and distributed computing. I am lucky enough to use these skills to support the UW Echospace’s group goal of extracting knowledge from large volumes of ocean acoustic data.

My primary responsibilities within the group include:

  • The development of echopype
  • Optimizing computational operations for distributed computing
  • Building a scalable cloud cyberinfrastructure


  • Distributed computing
  • Computational mathematics
  • Applied mathematics
  • Machine learning
  • Data science


  • PhD in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 2021

    Colorado School of Mines

  • BS in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 2016

    Colorado School of Mines
